Sunday, February 23, 2025

Pastel Balloons

 Balloons are a symbol of festivity and of special occasions. They can entertain small children at a carnival or mark the location of a party. The more talented among us are able to twist and stretch them into dogs, dinosaurs, flowers or fantastical hats. Helium keeps them aloft and also fuels their escape. They eventually end up snagged in the branches of a tree. It’s a non-renewable resource that really should not be wasted on balloons. We may have to go back to the Victorian tradition of balloons on sticks. A warning to men everywhere: A gift of balloons will not win over your intended love interest. Go to the florist and select flowers! 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Snow Cone

 The snow started late in the afternoon, so those who were safely at home had only a short time to enjoy watching the big flakes drift past the window. The next morning, everything was white, black or gray. In this monochromatic world, the colors of a traffic cone and a painted trailer seemed almost too bright, like someone turning on the lights at night. I squinted at the colors and listened as the snow melted and trickled down the middle of the street. Here today, pretty much gone tomorrow.

Sunday, February 9, 2025


 In the cold dull days of winter the offerings at the local farmers market have shrunk. Now the tables are piled with fruits and vegetables that are the basis of soups and stews meant to sustain people in cold northern climates---onions and parsnips, sweet potatoes and winter squash. Apples huddle in wooden bins. Someone was in an artistic mood, arranging the carrots into a bright orange fan, where we can marvel at their cheerful hue and quirky irregularities. A little color goes a long way on a gray day.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Deer At Dusk

 In the winter I love to go out for a walk just as the sun dips below the horizon. Bare tree branches form lacy patterns against a vermillion sky. A pair of deer emerge, intent on grazing but always on alert for neighborhood dogs being walked. I watch as the flames in the sky fade and transform into evening violet. The deer go about their business, knowing they will be almost invisible as the last of the light disappears